Enjoyable Climate

Malawi is one of Africa’s hidden gem with more to offer from wildlife and beautiful scenery.

The Warm Heart of

Malawi is one of Africa's hidden gem with more to offer from wildlife, beautiful scenery, lake Malawi but mostly biggest asset lies in its own people the friendliest people in the world both charming and hospitable to visitors .


January, February and March

the peak rainy months most roads especially in national park are not accessible.

April and May

Mostly dry months with only the odd storm. These are great months to visit the Lake – nice temperatures, clear skies and hardly any wind.

June, July and August

Winter months with occasional strong winds. Great months for visiting Malawi especially national parks. The nights are cool and day temperatures are very pleasant.


The temperatures start to rise, the lake is calm and the air becomes hazy.

October and November

The hot and often humid months. The lake is calm, excellent for water sports and very cooling.


The temperatures are still quite high but can be cooled down by early rains.


All foreign passport holders except the SADC member countries, require Visa to enter Malawi. Visa can only be applied online. Health all visitors should be medically insured.


We recommend that visitors to Malawi take malaria prophylactics.


Can be found in certain areas of Lake Malawi.

Tetanus, polio, typhoid and hepatitis

Vaccinations are recommended.

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever immunization is required only by visitors entering Malawi from a yellow fever zone.

Blood Groups

It is advisable to know your blood group type in case of emergency. Please ask for up to date advice in your home country


​We highly recommend full Trip Cancellation Insurance - we do need to charge cancellation fees as stipulated. We advise that luggage is fully insured. Travel Centre bears no responsibility for any delays, cancellation of flights, change of itinerary and retains the right to alter or cancel an activity with just reason. All guests are advised to have full medical and travel insurance.

  1. sun hat
  2. sunglasses
  3. sunscreen
  4. reading book
  5. swimming costume
  6. clothes: shorts /skirts, long trousers, t-shirts, long sleeves, warm jersey (winter months – June, July and august),
  7. malaria tablets
  8. strong insect repellent
  9. anti-histamine cream and tablets
  10. aspirin and other medicines
  11. personal toiletries
  12. torch
  13. photo and video equipment (with spare batteries – if applicable)
  14. binoculars
  15. spare contact lenses / glasses (if applicable)

You should always travel with soft bags, not hard suitcases (not only for the smaller aircraft but also to fit into vehicles).

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